Wednesday, June 4, 2008
SLB5 Second Life Birthday #5 - A glimpse into the future of Second Life?
SLB5 Second Life Birthday #5 - A glimpse into the future of Second Life?
At Massively.comEverett Linden said the following:
“Everett Linden said...
Hey everyone...there's a lot of misunderstanding here, so let me try to articulate our policy here.
Child avatars are welcome at the celebration. However, we do respectfully decline the submissions we received to create exhibits for the event.
Goreans, role-players, and members of the multitude of international communities are all welcome, and I hope you come. “
Followed by many resident posting on the Second Life Blog Linden Lab somewhat awkwardly retracted the statement of Everett. At least I believe on the surface they tried to retract the statement without saying flat out that the child avatar community builds were welcome. Linden Lab is really good at saying a lot without saying anything at all. One of my biggest complaints. Simple is best, why is that so hard for them to understand.
Of course this leaves me wondering what exactly prompted Linden Lab to single out the Child Avatar community? I found it also very odd that Everett welcomed the Gorean community over the Child Avatar communities.
Child Avatars have made the news lately when some adult avatars were found to be having virtual sex with the child avatars. Keep in mind even the child avatars are in reality and real life adults. Don’t get me wrong I think that even role-playing child and adult sex, is wrong, and in my opinion perverse. Linden Lab did take it upon themselves to change the TOS and that type of behavior is now a ban-able offense.
Child avatars are allowed on the main adult grid. These folks are simply adults pretending to be children for a multitude of reasons. Reliving their childhood, having a family unit, playing as children ect. I am not about to judge these ppl as I know at least one of them and my personal experience was sitting with a child dinosaur and hugging and singing lullabies and it was all perfectly innocent. I made another human being feel loved if only for a moment and all it took was me sitting quietly with that person in their role-playing world. At no time was my encounter with this child avatar sexual in nature. Most child avatar communities are simply role-playing “family”, big deal.
However Linden Lab did single this community out and that raises a red flag with me. Especially given in the same statement that the Gorean community was welcome. The Gorean community is very much about sex but all of the literature in world is a direct copy right infringement. As the author never gave permission for his work to be copied in world. So what exactly is Linden Lab implying here. That families are not welcome in Second Life but that those who are; overtly sexual; BSDM, submissive and dominate and rip the work of real life authors are? Well that’s just wacky. Let me also state that I am not against the Gorean community either. Except the copyright infringement part. Those communities should be making up their own paperwork to live their Second Lives by.
Again I say at Linden Lab the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing. Another fine PR mess.
It’s my opinion that Linden Lab is trying to hide the child avatar community from the media. “we know you exist we just don’t want the world to know you exist”. Linden Lab is also continuing to cleanse the grid by only allowing PG materials at their 5th anniversary. Unfortunately the majority of the grid is geared towards adult activities. I understand the desire on the part of Linden Lab to clean up their image hell I even agree that their image should be cleaned up.
My main concern is the perception of the community towards Linden Lab. Right now it’s a disastrous combination. The thought of Linden Lab making big announcements at the Anniversary bash makes me literally cringe. I am not looking forward to hearing about any sweeping changes. As every time there is a change it is to the detriment of the paying customer.
Cleansing the grid is only a matter of time Linden Lab has a need to be mainstream and appeal to the widest possible audience. Unfortunately those communities who are not deemed acceptable will be shoved in a closet and not spoke of in the future.
Proof is in the pudding or so they say;
Linden Lab now asks that we say “trade mark” every time we say Linden Lab or Second Life. We can no longer use the phrase “Your world, Your imagination.” We can no longer use their logo’s. Even though we were once very much encouraged to do all of the above.
Linden Lab took over the Gaming Open Market, and now they are in the residential themed community market. Guess they figured we were not doing a good enough job, Guess they figured they could do it better.
Guess they figure they know what is best for Second Life and who now belongs.
I already live under a government system, the thought of living under another one in a virtual world really doesn’t appeal to me. I do however see where Linden Lab is going with this. “We invite everyone to Second Life as long as you build what and how we want you to. We invite all different types of ppl as long as you do not speak out against Linden Lab. We love your imaginative spirit as long as it fits our long term goals. We value your input, but we will continue to do what is right for our company and the direction we wish to see the web go in. We need content creators and event managers as we have companies who will be needing your services. We want to see your fresh new ideas, so we can incorporate them into our web at some point in the future. Bring you’re A game, but expect to sit on the sidelines threw most of the big show.”
There are fair use laws. Linden Lab is based out of California, US. That is not a communist country.
Roughly 70% of Second Life is now international users.
Tread lightly Linden Lab you are either on the verge of a new social world or simply socialism.
UPDATE: Gorean and BSDM also not allowed at the SLB5.
UPDATE: Some feel that LL is feeling political pressure to be a PG world.
At Massively.comEverett Linden said the following:
“Everett Linden said...
Hey everyone...there's a lot of misunderstanding here, so let me try to articulate our policy here.
Child avatars are welcome at the celebration. However, we do respectfully decline the submissions we received to create exhibits for the event.
Goreans, role-players, and members of the multitude of international communities are all welcome, and I hope you come. “
Followed by many resident posting on the Second Life Blog Linden Lab somewhat awkwardly retracted the statement of Everett. At least I believe on the surface they tried to retract the statement without saying flat out that the child avatar community builds were welcome. Linden Lab is really good at saying a lot without saying anything at all. One of my biggest complaints. Simple is best, why is that so hard for them to understand.
Of course this leaves me wondering what exactly prompted Linden Lab to single out the Child Avatar community? I found it also very odd that Everett welcomed the Gorean community over the Child Avatar communities.
Child Avatars have made the news lately when some adult avatars were found to be having virtual sex with the child avatars. Keep in mind even the child avatars are in reality and real life adults. Don’t get me wrong I think that even role-playing child and adult sex, is wrong, and in my opinion perverse. Linden Lab did take it upon themselves to change the TOS and that type of behavior is now a ban-able offense.
Child avatars are allowed on the main adult grid. These folks are simply adults pretending to be children for a multitude of reasons. Reliving their childhood, having a family unit, playing as children ect. I am not about to judge these ppl as I know at least one of them and my personal experience was sitting with a child dinosaur and hugging and singing lullabies and it was all perfectly innocent. I made another human being feel loved if only for a moment and all it took was me sitting quietly with that person in their role-playing world. At no time was my encounter with this child avatar sexual in nature. Most child avatar communities are simply role-playing “family”, big deal.
However Linden Lab did single this community out and that raises a red flag with me. Especially given in the same statement that the Gorean community was welcome. The Gorean community is very much about sex but all of the literature in world is a direct copy right infringement. As the author never gave permission for his work to be copied in world. So what exactly is Linden Lab implying here. That families are not welcome in Second Life but that those who are; overtly sexual; BSDM, submissive and dominate and rip the work of real life authors are? Well that’s just wacky. Let me also state that I am not against the Gorean community either. Except the copyright infringement part. Those communities should be making up their own paperwork to live their Second Lives by.
Again I say at Linden Lab the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing. Another fine PR mess.
It’s my opinion that Linden Lab is trying to hide the child avatar community from the media. “we know you exist we just don’t want the world to know you exist”. Linden Lab is also continuing to cleanse the grid by only allowing PG materials at their 5th anniversary. Unfortunately the majority of the grid is geared towards adult activities. I understand the desire on the part of Linden Lab to clean up their image hell I even agree that their image should be cleaned up.
My main concern is the perception of the community towards Linden Lab. Right now it’s a disastrous combination. The thought of Linden Lab making big announcements at the Anniversary bash makes me literally cringe. I am not looking forward to hearing about any sweeping changes. As every time there is a change it is to the detriment of the paying customer.
Cleansing the grid is only a matter of time Linden Lab has a need to be mainstream and appeal to the widest possible audience. Unfortunately those communities who are not deemed acceptable will be shoved in a closet and not spoke of in the future.
Proof is in the pudding or so they say;
Linden Lab now asks that we say “trade mark” every time we say Linden Lab or Second Life. We can no longer use the phrase “Your world, Your imagination.” We can no longer use their logo’s. Even though we were once very much encouraged to do all of the above.
Linden Lab took over the Gaming Open Market, and now they are in the residential themed community market. Guess they figured we were not doing a good enough job, Guess they figured they could do it better.
Guess they figure they know what is best for Second Life and who now belongs.
I already live under a government system, the thought of living under another one in a virtual world really doesn’t appeal to me. I do however see where Linden Lab is going with this. “We invite everyone to Second Life as long as you build what and how we want you to. We invite all different types of ppl as long as you do not speak out against Linden Lab. We love your imaginative spirit as long as it fits our long term goals. We value your input, but we will continue to do what is right for our company and the direction we wish to see the web go in. We need content creators and event managers as we have companies who will be needing your services. We want to see your fresh new ideas, so we can incorporate them into our web at some point in the future. Bring you’re A game, but expect to sit on the sidelines threw most of the big show.”
There are fair use laws. Linden Lab is based out of California, US. That is not a communist country.
Roughly 70% of Second Life is now international users.
Tread lightly Linden Lab you are either on the verge of a new social world or simply socialism.
UPDATE: Gorean and BSDM also not allowed at the SLB5.
UPDATE: Some feel that LL is feeling political pressure to be a PG world.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
A Kiss to Linden Lab
I am sometimes criticized for my open disagreement with how Linden Lab runs Second Life. It’s not for lack of a host of reasons. Kiss - Keep it simple stupid is a motto I have used for many years and Linden Lab would be smart to plaster it next to their beloved “Love Machine”.
For the past 5 years Linden Lab has been begging the masses to build communities and projects on the mainland but they fail in giving any type of controls to the owners of these simulators. Owners cannot add a covenant like they can with estate land. Owners can put land into group land but then they must convince the renters to get a basic account threw Linden Lab at $9.95 per month and give the land owner their 512m of land via a contribution to the group. In the end the land owner has to dish out approximately an extra $100.00 per month for the privilege of having group land. Seems a bit half ass and backwards to me. After all Linden Lab receives no less than a heafty $1600.00 on average for every mainland simulator at their auction. In addition they also receive an additional $195.00 per month for each simulator. Now add to that an additional 30 Lindens per sub divided parcel for that parcel to be included in their somewhat broken search engine. In the end anyone wishing to start any kind of a mainland project has to be able to sustain that project for at least a year before they see any type of profit from their initial investment.
Ok even if one thinks that all sounds doable add to that mix Linden Lab and their decision to keep the land market flooded that makes the job just a tad bit harder. In recent weeks they put any hopes I had of starting a residential community on the mainland to rest once and for all. The dreaded Bay City was opened with a whopping 20 residential sims, which they are selling at auction on their web site, advertising both on their web site and in world and are offering free texture packs to boot.
Just how bad do they want ppl to start projects and communities on the mainland? Seems to me they don’t want ppl to do that at all. They are showing threw force that they are the new content providers and they are running the entire show not just supporting it. In the end I for one have hard feelings twords Linden Lab as I cannot sell my mainland simulator even at cost these days. But they are receiving upwards of $1000.00 for a 1024m plot of land in their Bay City. To keep things in perspective there are 64 plots on a simulator at that rate they are set to make a whopping $64,000US per simulator and people like me are set to lose our initial investments of on average $1600.00 plus any tier fees we have to pay while our land goes unsold.
If Linden Lab was serious about wanting ppl to run communities and projects on the mainland they would give us the Estate tools we so desperately need to make any sim wide project work. Instead they do not give those tools to ppl on the mainland.
Keep in mind Bay City is attached to the mainland and Linden Lab has the Estate Tools up and running in Bay City. Bay City is after all run by Linden Lab.
Unfair? Disadvantage? Yes and Yes. When Linden Lab wonders why people are not investing their time and energy on mainland projects and communities they need to realize it’s a simple matter of a Kiss; Keep it simple stupid.. Either that or they will be met with ppl saying “Kiss my ass.” Which if you haven’t guessed by now, is exactly what I am saying.
Auctions: Closed Auctions
Item Price Closed
Bay City parcel 3T - Handa (236,106) 1024m L$215,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3X - Handa (235,79) 1024m L$160,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3DD - Handa (237,55) 1024m L$156,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3FF - Handa (235,32) 1024m L$150,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3KK - Handa (236,10) 960m L$235,310 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3BB - Handa (87,48) 1024m L$236,780 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3B - Tanelorn (92,244) 1024m L$121,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3HH - Handa (88,15) 1024m L$325,340 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3KK - Tanelorn (233,9) 960m L$110,000 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3FF - Tanelorn (236,32) 1024m L$109,000 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3DD - Tanelorn (236,56) 1024m L$101,790 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3X - Tanelorn (237,80) 1024m L$108,100 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3T - Tanelorn (236,106) 1024m L$106,640 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3O - Tanelorn (218,158) 896m L$105,030 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3P - Tanelorn (224,153) 1024m L$132,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3E - Tanelorn (221,230) 1152m L$121,080 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3F - Tanelorn (242,230) 1152m L$125,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3S - Tanelorn (168,114) 224m L$101,984 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3N - Tanelorn (157,157) 1280m L$170,000 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3K - Tanelorn (154,179) 960m L$102,510 May-30-08
Ecliptic (128,128) Mature 65536m US$952.00 May-30-08
Upadhyaya (128,128) Mature 65536m US$952.00 May-30-08
Renrose (128,128) Mature 65536m US$952.00 May-30-08
Alleni (144,67) PG 3632m L$22,140 May-30-08
Meddledown (47, 40) Mature 7168m US$151.00 May-30-08
Kreisel (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Snicket (231,143) PG 512m L$3,010 May-30-08
Walcha Plain (16,167) Mature 1536m L$7,170 May-30-08
Philereme (22,34) Mature 2992m L$12,800 May-30-08
Pennyroyal (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Erazor (135,175) Mature 512m L$3,810 May-30-08
Marcell (240,113) PG 2048m L$10,010 May-30-08
Oswald (128,128) Mature 65536m US$921.00 May-30-08
Miliaco (8,113) Mature 1024m L$6,010 May-30-08
Dirac (128,128) Mature 65536m US$951.00 May-30-08
Cecropia (220,39) PG 3072m L$100,010 May-30-08
Cecropia (240,110) PG 1024m L$25,010 May-30-08
Laka (6, 23) Mature 416m L$5,510 May-30-08
Grojnowski (128,128) Mature 65536m US$951.00 May-30-08
Minotaur (80,239) Mature 1024m L$4,680 May-30-08
Ilgop (32, 220) Mature 4608m US$71.00 May-30-08
Clare (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Namhae (18,152) Mature 1040m L$6,010 May-30-08
Oathkeeper (75,106) Mature 512m L$3,210 May-30-08
Oathkeeper (73,78) Mature 512m L$8,010 May-30-08
Pesok (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Bluenose (120,120) Mature 512m L$5,010 May-30-08
Bluenose (120,144) Mature 512m L$4,020 May-30-08
Everfrost (215, 33) Mature 15360m US$251.00 May-30-08
Jallis (128,128) Mature 64656m US$901.00 May-30-08
Bay City parcel X - Moosehead (72,82) 1008m L$164,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3JJ - Handa (157,15) 1280m L$270,270 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3CC - Handa (160,44) 848m L$88,890 May-29-08
Bay City parcel U - Moosehead (54,99) 1024m L$144,100 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3W - Handa (116,92) 960m L$114,100 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3J - Tanelorn (159,205) 1024m L$88,510 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3D - Tanelorn (158,240) 1024m L$86,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3C - Tanelorn (128,239) 1024m L$88,190 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3R - Handa (93,117) 960m L$140,040 May-29-08
Bay City parcel L - Moosehead (12,160) 736m L$170,110 May-29-08
Bay City parcel Q - Moosehead (35,119) 1024m L$121,660 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3V - Handa (73,99) 960m L$126,110 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3I - Tanelorn (104,204) 656m L$84,110 May-29-08
Bay City parcel T - Moosehead (11,97) 1024m L$95,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3H - Tanelorn (89,221) 640m L$91,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3A - Tanelorn (30,238) 1344m L$136,430 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3Z - Handa (139,67) 960m L$78,850 May-29-08
Bay City parcel AA - Moosehead (89,66) 1008m L$150,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3II - Handa (118,17) 1024m L$268,490 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3G - Tanelorn (31,218) 1344m L$130,010 May-29-08
Glaisher (128,128) Mature 60928m US$911.00 May-29-08
Demorgan (128,128) Mature 60816m US$900.00 May-29-08
Shiromani (128,128) PG 65536m US$971.00 May-29-08
Bellobas (128,128) PG 65536m US$966.00 May-29-08
Matamata (175,199) Mature 512m L$3,010 May-29-08
Helsing (232, 84) Mature 8064m US$141.00 May-29-08
Cliffoed (128,128) PG 61168m US$911.00 May-29-08
Darkover (240,231) Mature 1024m L$5,410 May-29-08
Lucasian (128,128) PG 60432m US$1001.00 May-29-08
Tortosa (201, 11) Mature 1760m L$10,030 May-29-08
Rimutaka Park (138,64) Mature 1024m L$9,240 May-29-08
Shiot (46,89) Mature 512m L$4,510 May-29-08
Clewis (128,128) PG 65536m US$2001.00 May-29-08
Ribbonbearer (71,46) Mature 896m L$5,760 May-29-08
Tholtfinger (194, 34) Mature 8064m US$152.00 May-29-08
Barrow (128,128) PG 65536m US$3051.00 May-29-08
Foundation (184,240) Mature 512m L$3,040 May-29-08
Passendale (222,15) PG 1024m L$5,770 May-29-08
Weisshorn (14,246) Mature 512m L$2,590 May-29-08
Driscoll (176,47) PG 1024m L$5,210 May-29-08
Jeonbuk (248,16) Mature 512m L$2,770 May-29-08
Noxious (122, 120) PG 6144m US$401.00 May-29-08
Milaniovic (176,207) Mature 1024m L$6,010 May-29-08
Seosan (208,216) Mature 512m L$2,510 May-29-08
Hallgerda (48,88) Mature 512m L$8,500 May-29-08
Great Pubnico (148,165) Mature 256m L$2,510 May-29-08
Homerlone (21,199) Mature 512m L$3,530 May-29-08
Kirkness (212,50) Mature 752m L$3,260 May-29-08
Madhupak (112,56) PG 2048m L$9,020 May-28-08
Froumo (143,115) Mature 512m L$4,010 May-28-08
Loon (15,72) PG 512m L$3,210 May-28-08
Asan (209,155) Mature 512m L$3,310 May-28-08
Saint Clair (240,152) PG 512m L$2,590 May-28-08
Sedge (248,16) Mature 512m L$3,010 May-28-08
Seogwipo (240,192) PG 1024m L$6,410 May-28-08
Shamrock (204,102) Mature 1184m L$8,270 May-28-08
Shatgogae (216,21) Mature 1024m L$5,010 May-28-08
Shetlon (207,215) PG 512m L$4,510 May-28-08
Shetlon (220,184) PG 864m L$15,010 May-28-08
Shikotsu (239,152) Mature 512m L$3,020 May-28-08
Clinker (20, 157) Mature 4096m L$28,010 May-28-08
Sarafina (247, 150) Mature 1024m L$5,010 May-28-08
Netherbeck (80, 82) Mature 4576m US$80.00 May-28-08
Quargar (95, 120) Mature 7040m US$202.00 May-28-08
Plumpton (128,128) Mature 63712m US$2227.00 May-28-08
Compotista (128,128) Mature 65536m US$2226.00 May-28-08
Routley (128,128) Mature 62160m US$991.00 May-28-08
Venn (128,128) Mature 60768m US$937.00 May-28-08
Wajo Hill (235,86) Mature 512m L$7,170 May-28-08
Bay City parce 4b - Molesworth (37,241) 768m L$146,740 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4nn - Molesworth (26,25) 896m L$402,230 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3Q - Handa (37,138) 1056m L$125,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3M - Handa (55,159) 864m L$110,030 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4ll - Molesworth (24,39) 896m L$180,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3L - Handa (14,163) 1200m L$125,770 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4ii - Molesworth (25,56) 992m L$110,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3U - Handa (8,92) 784m L$110,510 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4dd - Molesworth (25,73) 1024m L$102,410 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3Y - Handa (27,76) 672m L$95,120 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3AA - Handa (26,58) 992m L$110,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4y - Molesworth (24,93) 992m L$99,210 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4t - Molesworth (27,108) 1024m L$135,610 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4o - Molesworth (45,156) 1024m L$236,890 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3EE - Handa (27,43) 1024m L$121,120 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4n - Molesworth (12,157) 1024m L$135,060 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3GG - Handa (29,22) 1024m L$125,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3LL - Handa (27,4) 768m L$155,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4q - Molesworth (119,151) 1024m L$150,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4r - Molesworth (150,155) 1024m L$125,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4m - Molesworth (164,181) 768m L$95,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4l - Molesworth (178,195) 768m L$120,210 May-28-08
Coverdale (144,23) Mature 2048m L$12,010 May-27-08
Namhae (48,31) Mature 512m L$3,110 May-27-08
Fumb (208,199) Mature 512m L$4,110 May-27-08
Chilispoon (104,16) Mature 1024m L$45,620 May-27-08
Tangun (208,231) Mature 1024m L$4,930 May-27-08
Gorderonis (23,144) PG 2048m L$16,010 May-27-08
Sonamu (208,8) Mature 512m L$3,210 May-27-08
Moliman (120,240) Mature 512m L$7,510 May-27-08
Kananga (104,144) Mature 512m L$3,210 May-27-08
Elvarg (48,168) PG 512m L$4,220 May-27-08
Iwo Jima (240,8) Mature 512m L$4,110 May-27-08
Caso Milo (184,143) Mature 512m L$3,020 May-27-08
Schism (103,47) Mature 512m L$7,510 May-27-08
Namcha (173,214) Mature 512m L$11,300 May-27-08
Chalanties (240,80) PG 4096m L$25,010 May-27-08
Imolarto (176,15) Mature 1024m L$6,510 May-27-08
Manitoba (55,184) PG 672m L$3,010 May-27-08
Hubbard (24,176) Mature 1536m L$9,010 May-27-08
Sinaburoe (240,231) Mature 1024m L$6,510 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4k - Molesworth (194,212) 768m L$133,020 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4c - Molesworth (39,221) 768m L$132,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3M - Tanelorn (54,160) 864m L$95,520 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3L - Tanelorn (17,162) 1200m L$115,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3Q - Tanelorn (36,136) 1056m L$125,520 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4w - Molesworth (145,127) 448m L$80,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4a - Molesworth (11,235) 1152m L$130,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3U - Tanelorn (12,96) 784m L$85,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4v - Molesworth (116,121) 1024m L$110,720 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3Y - Tanelorn (28,78) 672m L$75,680 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4u - Molesworth (87,120) 1024m L$250,000 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3AA - Tanelorn (28,60) 992m L$103,970 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3EE - Tanelorn (28,41) 1024m L$111,420 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4aa - Molesworth (113,95) 448m L$95,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4z - Molesworth (88,88) 1024m L$200,030 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3GG - Tanelorn (30,23) 1024m L$125,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4ee - Molesworth (80,62) 432m L$122,520 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3LL - Tanelorn (36,6) 768m L$92,010 May-27-08
Anatoly (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1012.00 May-27-08
Atiyah (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1021.00 May-27-08
Lowndean (128,128) Mature 65536m US$2001.00 May-27-08
Alabaster (128,128) Mature 65536m US$2190.00 May-27-08
Crinkle (128,128) Mature 60992m US$922.00 May-27-08
Japarid (128,128) Mature 61152m US$1012.00 May-27-08
Leonhard (128,128) Mature 63428m US$964.00 May-27-08
Sutras (128,128) Mature 65536m US$997.00 May-27-08
Poincare (128,128) Mature 65424m US$1201.00 May-27-08
Mikhailovna (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1000.00 May-27-08
Kirkness (95,54) Mature 1088m L$10,110 May-26-08
Kirkness (146,47) Mature 1024m L$7,510 May-26-08
Jeonbuk (201,9) Mature 512m L$3,900 May-26-08
Hyun (229,233) Mature 512m L$3,150 May-26-08
Hyun (208,240) Mature 1024m L$5,160 May-26-08
Bristow (55,176) PG 512m L$2,360 May-26-08
Tigerclaw (31,12) Mature 512m L$3,310 May-26-08
Te Wharau (176,248) Mature 512m L$3,410 May-26-08
Ello (45,158) Mature 480m L$2,430 May-26-08
Grizedale (122,250) Mature 464m L$3,370 May-26-08
Sospiri (111,119) Mature 1024m L$6,010 May-26-08
Flathead (71,112) Mature 512m L$5,010 May-26-08
Tintafel (152,239) Mature 512m L$5,010 May-26-08
Timescape (150,135) Mature 512m L$2,360 May-26-08
Timescape (174,131) Mature 1024m L$5,010 May-26-08
Timescape (208,136) Mature 512m L$2,710 May-26-08
Great Pubnico (176,168) Mature 544m L$3,010 May-26-08
Camlann Tarl (168,15) Mature 512m L$4,120 May-26-08
Seogwipo (54,239) PG 512m L$3,810 May-26-08
Seogwipo (40,200) PG 1056m L$8,040 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4h - Molesworth (234,246) 912m L$280,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4s - Molesworth (239,149) 1200m L$205,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4oo - Morton (25,10) 800m L$87,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4x - Molesworth (237,109) 960m L$132,020 May-26-08
Barwise (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1000.00 May-26-08
Nemmers (128,128) Mature 60816m US$900.00 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4cc - Molesworth (238,85) 1024m L$175,010 May-26-08
Olexandrovich (128,128) Mature 61408m US$888.00 May-26-08
Benthem (128,128) Mature 61104m US$901.00 May-26-08
Saharon (128,128) Mature 65536m US$999.00 May-26-08
Suri (128,128) Mature 65536m US$999.00 May-26-08
Nevanlinna (128,128) Mature 65536m US$999.00 May-26-08
Rosser (128,128) Mature 65536m US$976.00 May-26-08
Schock (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1001.00 May-26-08
Rafail (128,128) Mature 65536m US$951.00 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4hh - Molesworth (237,58) 1024m L$152,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4nn - Morton (25,25) 992m L$132,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4ll - Morton (25,43) 896m L$112,910 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4kk - Molesworth (234,35) 1024m L$250,110 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4ii - Morton (25,55) 992m L$105,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4dd - Morton (24,77) 1024m L$101,530 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4g - Molesworth (149,248) 608m L$132,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4y - Morton (24,93) 992m L$121,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4f - Molesworth (133,231) 560m L$90,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4t - Morton (23,111) 1024m L$185,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4e - Molesworth (98,226) 1024m L$150,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4n - Morton (13,153) 1024m L$155,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4d - Molesworth (99,245) 1024m L$300,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4o - Morton (42,155) 1024m L$242,510 May-26-08
For the past 5 years Linden Lab has been begging the masses to build communities and projects on the mainland but they fail in giving any type of controls to the owners of these simulators. Owners cannot add a covenant like they can with estate land. Owners can put land into group land but then they must convince the renters to get a basic account threw Linden Lab at $9.95 per month and give the land owner their 512m of land via a contribution to the group. In the end the land owner has to dish out approximately an extra $100.00 per month for the privilege of having group land. Seems a bit half ass and backwards to me. After all Linden Lab receives no less than a heafty $1600.00 on average for every mainland simulator at their auction. In addition they also receive an additional $195.00 per month for each simulator. Now add to that an additional 30 Lindens per sub divided parcel for that parcel to be included in their somewhat broken search engine. In the end anyone wishing to start any kind of a mainland project has to be able to sustain that project for at least a year before they see any type of profit from their initial investment.
Ok even if one thinks that all sounds doable add to that mix Linden Lab and their decision to keep the land market flooded that makes the job just a tad bit harder. In recent weeks they put any hopes I had of starting a residential community on the mainland to rest once and for all. The dreaded Bay City was opened with a whopping 20 residential sims, which they are selling at auction on their web site, advertising both on their web site and in world and are offering free texture packs to boot.
Just how bad do they want ppl to start projects and communities on the mainland? Seems to me they don’t want ppl to do that at all. They are showing threw force that they are the new content providers and they are running the entire show not just supporting it. In the end I for one have hard feelings twords Linden Lab as I cannot sell my mainland simulator even at cost these days. But they are receiving upwards of $1000.00 for a 1024m plot of land in their Bay City. To keep things in perspective there are 64 plots on a simulator at that rate they are set to make a whopping $64,000US per simulator and people like me are set to lose our initial investments of on average $1600.00 plus any tier fees we have to pay while our land goes unsold.
If Linden Lab was serious about wanting ppl to run communities and projects on the mainland they would give us the Estate tools we so desperately need to make any sim wide project work. Instead they do not give those tools to ppl on the mainland.
Keep in mind Bay City is attached to the mainland and Linden Lab has the Estate Tools up and running in Bay City. Bay City is after all run by Linden Lab.
Unfair? Disadvantage? Yes and Yes. When Linden Lab wonders why people are not investing their time and energy on mainland projects and communities they need to realize it’s a simple matter of a Kiss; Keep it simple stupid.. Either that or they will be met with ppl saying “Kiss my ass.” Which if you haven’t guessed by now, is exactly what I am saying.
Auctions: Closed Auctions
Item Price Closed
Bay City parcel 3T - Handa (236,106) 1024m L$215,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3X - Handa (235,79) 1024m L$160,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3DD - Handa (237,55) 1024m L$156,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3FF - Handa (235,32) 1024m L$150,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3KK - Handa (236,10) 960m L$235,310 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3BB - Handa (87,48) 1024m L$236,780 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3B - Tanelorn (92,244) 1024m L$121,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3HH - Handa (88,15) 1024m L$325,340 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3KK - Tanelorn (233,9) 960m L$110,000 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3FF - Tanelorn (236,32) 1024m L$109,000 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3DD - Tanelorn (236,56) 1024m L$101,790 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3X - Tanelorn (237,80) 1024m L$108,100 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3T - Tanelorn (236,106) 1024m L$106,640 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3O - Tanelorn (218,158) 896m L$105,030 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3P - Tanelorn (224,153) 1024m L$132,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3E - Tanelorn (221,230) 1152m L$121,080 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3F - Tanelorn (242,230) 1152m L$125,010 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3S - Tanelorn (168,114) 224m L$101,984 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3N - Tanelorn (157,157) 1280m L$170,000 May-30-08
Bay City parcel 3K - Tanelorn (154,179) 960m L$102,510 May-30-08
Ecliptic (128,128) Mature 65536m US$952.00 May-30-08
Upadhyaya (128,128) Mature 65536m US$952.00 May-30-08
Renrose (128,128) Mature 65536m US$952.00 May-30-08
Alleni (144,67) PG 3632m L$22,140 May-30-08
Meddledown (47, 40) Mature 7168m US$151.00 May-30-08
Kreisel (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Snicket (231,143) PG 512m L$3,010 May-30-08
Walcha Plain (16,167) Mature 1536m L$7,170 May-30-08
Philereme (22,34) Mature 2992m L$12,800 May-30-08
Pennyroyal (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Erazor (135,175) Mature 512m L$3,810 May-30-08
Marcell (240,113) PG 2048m L$10,010 May-30-08
Oswald (128,128) Mature 65536m US$921.00 May-30-08
Miliaco (8,113) Mature 1024m L$6,010 May-30-08
Dirac (128,128) Mature 65536m US$951.00 May-30-08
Cecropia (220,39) PG 3072m L$100,010 May-30-08
Cecropia (240,110) PG 1024m L$25,010 May-30-08
Laka (6, 23) Mature 416m L$5,510 May-30-08
Grojnowski (128,128) Mature 65536m US$951.00 May-30-08
Minotaur (80,239) Mature 1024m L$4,680 May-30-08
Ilgop (32, 220) Mature 4608m US$71.00 May-30-08
Clare (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Namhae (18,152) Mature 1040m L$6,010 May-30-08
Oathkeeper (75,106) Mature 512m L$3,210 May-30-08
Oathkeeper (73,78) Mature 512m L$8,010 May-30-08
Pesok (128,128) Mature 65536m US$957.00 May-30-08
Bluenose (120,120) Mature 512m L$5,010 May-30-08
Bluenose (120,144) Mature 512m L$4,020 May-30-08
Everfrost (215, 33) Mature 15360m US$251.00 May-30-08
Jallis (128,128) Mature 64656m US$901.00 May-30-08
Bay City parcel X - Moosehead (72,82) 1008m L$164,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3JJ - Handa (157,15) 1280m L$270,270 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3CC - Handa (160,44) 848m L$88,890 May-29-08
Bay City parcel U - Moosehead (54,99) 1024m L$144,100 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3W - Handa (116,92) 960m L$114,100 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3J - Tanelorn (159,205) 1024m L$88,510 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3D - Tanelorn (158,240) 1024m L$86,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3C - Tanelorn (128,239) 1024m L$88,190 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3R - Handa (93,117) 960m L$140,040 May-29-08
Bay City parcel L - Moosehead (12,160) 736m L$170,110 May-29-08
Bay City parcel Q - Moosehead (35,119) 1024m L$121,660 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3V - Handa (73,99) 960m L$126,110 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3I - Tanelorn (104,204) 656m L$84,110 May-29-08
Bay City parcel T - Moosehead (11,97) 1024m L$95,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3H - Tanelorn (89,221) 640m L$91,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3A - Tanelorn (30,238) 1344m L$136,430 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3Z - Handa (139,67) 960m L$78,850 May-29-08
Bay City parcel AA - Moosehead (89,66) 1008m L$150,010 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3II - Handa (118,17) 1024m L$268,490 May-29-08
Bay City parcel 3G - Tanelorn (31,218) 1344m L$130,010 May-29-08
Glaisher (128,128) Mature 60928m US$911.00 May-29-08
Demorgan (128,128) Mature 60816m US$900.00 May-29-08
Shiromani (128,128) PG 65536m US$971.00 May-29-08
Bellobas (128,128) PG 65536m US$966.00 May-29-08
Matamata (175,199) Mature 512m L$3,010 May-29-08
Helsing (232, 84) Mature 8064m US$141.00 May-29-08
Cliffoed (128,128) PG 61168m US$911.00 May-29-08
Darkover (240,231) Mature 1024m L$5,410 May-29-08
Lucasian (128,128) PG 60432m US$1001.00 May-29-08
Tortosa (201, 11) Mature 1760m L$10,030 May-29-08
Rimutaka Park (138,64) Mature 1024m L$9,240 May-29-08
Shiot (46,89) Mature 512m L$4,510 May-29-08
Clewis (128,128) PG 65536m US$2001.00 May-29-08
Ribbonbearer (71,46) Mature 896m L$5,760 May-29-08
Tholtfinger (194, 34) Mature 8064m US$152.00 May-29-08
Barrow (128,128) PG 65536m US$3051.00 May-29-08
Foundation (184,240) Mature 512m L$3,040 May-29-08
Passendale (222,15) PG 1024m L$5,770 May-29-08
Weisshorn (14,246) Mature 512m L$2,590 May-29-08
Driscoll (176,47) PG 1024m L$5,210 May-29-08
Jeonbuk (248,16) Mature 512m L$2,770 May-29-08
Noxious (122, 120) PG 6144m US$401.00 May-29-08
Milaniovic (176,207) Mature 1024m L$6,010 May-29-08
Seosan (208,216) Mature 512m L$2,510 May-29-08
Hallgerda (48,88) Mature 512m L$8,500 May-29-08
Great Pubnico (148,165) Mature 256m L$2,510 May-29-08
Homerlone (21,199) Mature 512m L$3,530 May-29-08
Kirkness (212,50) Mature 752m L$3,260 May-29-08
Madhupak (112,56) PG 2048m L$9,020 May-28-08
Froumo (143,115) Mature 512m L$4,010 May-28-08
Loon (15,72) PG 512m L$3,210 May-28-08
Asan (209,155) Mature 512m L$3,310 May-28-08
Saint Clair (240,152) PG 512m L$2,590 May-28-08
Sedge (248,16) Mature 512m L$3,010 May-28-08
Seogwipo (240,192) PG 1024m L$6,410 May-28-08
Shamrock (204,102) Mature 1184m L$8,270 May-28-08
Shatgogae (216,21) Mature 1024m L$5,010 May-28-08
Shetlon (207,215) PG 512m L$4,510 May-28-08
Shetlon (220,184) PG 864m L$15,010 May-28-08
Shikotsu (239,152) Mature 512m L$3,020 May-28-08
Clinker (20, 157) Mature 4096m L$28,010 May-28-08
Sarafina (247, 150) Mature 1024m L$5,010 May-28-08
Netherbeck (80, 82) Mature 4576m US$80.00 May-28-08
Quargar (95, 120) Mature 7040m US$202.00 May-28-08
Plumpton (128,128) Mature 63712m US$2227.00 May-28-08
Compotista (128,128) Mature 65536m US$2226.00 May-28-08
Routley (128,128) Mature 62160m US$991.00 May-28-08
Venn (128,128) Mature 60768m US$937.00 May-28-08
Wajo Hill (235,86) Mature 512m L$7,170 May-28-08
Bay City parce 4b - Molesworth (37,241) 768m L$146,740 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4nn - Molesworth (26,25) 896m L$402,230 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3Q - Handa (37,138) 1056m L$125,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3M - Handa (55,159) 864m L$110,030 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4ll - Molesworth (24,39) 896m L$180,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3L - Handa (14,163) 1200m L$125,770 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4ii - Molesworth (25,56) 992m L$110,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3U - Handa (8,92) 784m L$110,510 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4dd - Molesworth (25,73) 1024m L$102,410 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3Y - Handa (27,76) 672m L$95,120 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3AA - Handa (26,58) 992m L$110,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4y - Molesworth (24,93) 992m L$99,210 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4t - Molesworth (27,108) 1024m L$135,610 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4o - Molesworth (45,156) 1024m L$236,890 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3EE - Handa (27,43) 1024m L$121,120 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4n - Molesworth (12,157) 1024m L$135,060 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3GG - Handa (29,22) 1024m L$125,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 3LL - Handa (27,4) 768m L$155,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4q - Molesworth (119,151) 1024m L$150,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4r - Molesworth (150,155) 1024m L$125,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4m - Molesworth (164,181) 768m L$95,010 May-28-08
Bay City parcel 4l - Molesworth (178,195) 768m L$120,210 May-28-08
Coverdale (144,23) Mature 2048m L$12,010 May-27-08
Namhae (48,31) Mature 512m L$3,110 May-27-08
Fumb (208,199) Mature 512m L$4,110 May-27-08
Chilispoon (104,16) Mature 1024m L$45,620 May-27-08
Tangun (208,231) Mature 1024m L$4,930 May-27-08
Gorderonis (23,144) PG 2048m L$16,010 May-27-08
Sonamu (208,8) Mature 512m L$3,210 May-27-08
Moliman (120,240) Mature 512m L$7,510 May-27-08
Kananga (104,144) Mature 512m L$3,210 May-27-08
Elvarg (48,168) PG 512m L$4,220 May-27-08
Iwo Jima (240,8) Mature 512m L$4,110 May-27-08
Caso Milo (184,143) Mature 512m L$3,020 May-27-08
Schism (103,47) Mature 512m L$7,510 May-27-08
Namcha (173,214) Mature 512m L$11,300 May-27-08
Chalanties (240,80) PG 4096m L$25,010 May-27-08
Imolarto (176,15) Mature 1024m L$6,510 May-27-08
Manitoba (55,184) PG 672m L$3,010 May-27-08
Hubbard (24,176) Mature 1536m L$9,010 May-27-08
Sinaburoe (240,231) Mature 1024m L$6,510 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4k - Molesworth (194,212) 768m L$133,020 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4c - Molesworth (39,221) 768m L$132,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3M - Tanelorn (54,160) 864m L$95,520 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3L - Tanelorn (17,162) 1200m L$115,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3Q - Tanelorn (36,136) 1056m L$125,520 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4w - Molesworth (145,127) 448m L$80,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4a - Molesworth (11,235) 1152m L$130,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3U - Tanelorn (12,96) 784m L$85,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4v - Molesworth (116,121) 1024m L$110,720 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3Y - Tanelorn (28,78) 672m L$75,680 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4u - Molesworth (87,120) 1024m L$250,000 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3AA - Tanelorn (28,60) 992m L$103,970 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3EE - Tanelorn (28,41) 1024m L$111,420 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4aa - Molesworth (113,95) 448m L$95,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4z - Molesworth (88,88) 1024m L$200,030 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3GG - Tanelorn (30,23) 1024m L$125,010 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 4ee - Molesworth (80,62) 432m L$122,520 May-27-08
Bay City parcel 3LL - Tanelorn (36,6) 768m L$92,010 May-27-08
Anatoly (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1012.00 May-27-08
Atiyah (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1021.00 May-27-08
Lowndean (128,128) Mature 65536m US$2001.00 May-27-08
Alabaster (128,128) Mature 65536m US$2190.00 May-27-08
Crinkle (128,128) Mature 60992m US$922.00 May-27-08
Japarid (128,128) Mature 61152m US$1012.00 May-27-08
Leonhard (128,128) Mature 63428m US$964.00 May-27-08
Sutras (128,128) Mature 65536m US$997.00 May-27-08
Poincare (128,128) Mature 65424m US$1201.00 May-27-08
Mikhailovna (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1000.00 May-27-08
Kirkness (95,54) Mature 1088m L$10,110 May-26-08
Kirkness (146,47) Mature 1024m L$7,510 May-26-08
Jeonbuk (201,9) Mature 512m L$3,900 May-26-08
Hyun (229,233) Mature 512m L$3,150 May-26-08
Hyun (208,240) Mature 1024m L$5,160 May-26-08
Bristow (55,176) PG 512m L$2,360 May-26-08
Tigerclaw (31,12) Mature 512m L$3,310 May-26-08
Te Wharau (176,248) Mature 512m L$3,410 May-26-08
Ello (45,158) Mature 480m L$2,430 May-26-08
Grizedale (122,250) Mature 464m L$3,370 May-26-08
Sospiri (111,119) Mature 1024m L$6,010 May-26-08
Flathead (71,112) Mature 512m L$5,010 May-26-08
Tintafel (152,239) Mature 512m L$5,010 May-26-08
Timescape (150,135) Mature 512m L$2,360 May-26-08
Timescape (174,131) Mature 1024m L$5,010 May-26-08
Timescape (208,136) Mature 512m L$2,710 May-26-08
Great Pubnico (176,168) Mature 544m L$3,010 May-26-08
Camlann Tarl (168,15) Mature 512m L$4,120 May-26-08
Seogwipo (54,239) PG 512m L$3,810 May-26-08
Seogwipo (40,200) PG 1056m L$8,040 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4h - Molesworth (234,246) 912m L$280,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4s - Molesworth (239,149) 1200m L$205,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4oo - Morton (25,10) 800m L$87,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4x - Molesworth (237,109) 960m L$132,020 May-26-08
Barwise (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1000.00 May-26-08
Nemmers (128,128) Mature 60816m US$900.00 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4cc - Molesworth (238,85) 1024m L$175,010 May-26-08
Olexandrovich (128,128) Mature 61408m US$888.00 May-26-08
Benthem (128,128) Mature 61104m US$901.00 May-26-08
Saharon (128,128) Mature 65536m US$999.00 May-26-08
Suri (128,128) Mature 65536m US$999.00 May-26-08
Nevanlinna (128,128) Mature 65536m US$999.00 May-26-08
Rosser (128,128) Mature 65536m US$976.00 May-26-08
Schock (128,128) Mature 65536m US$1001.00 May-26-08
Rafail (128,128) Mature 65536m US$951.00 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4hh - Molesworth (237,58) 1024m L$152,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4nn - Morton (25,25) 992m L$132,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4ll - Morton (25,43) 896m L$112,910 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4kk - Molesworth (234,35) 1024m L$250,110 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4ii - Morton (25,55) 992m L$105,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4dd - Morton (24,77) 1024m L$101,530 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4g - Molesworth (149,248) 608m L$132,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4y - Morton (24,93) 992m L$121,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4f - Molesworth (133,231) 560m L$90,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4t - Morton (23,111) 1024m L$185,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4e - Molesworth (98,226) 1024m L$150,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4n - Morton (13,153) 1024m L$155,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4d - Molesworth (99,245) 1024m L$300,010 May-26-08
Bay City parcel 4o - Morton (42,155) 1024m L$242,510 May-26-08
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Have the jerks taken over Second Life?
It’s taking more and more for me to even log into SL these days. Anything and everything seems to of gone downhill and fast. I find that I am getting mad nearly on a daily basis now. Sometimes it’s an underage player who obviously refuses to read anything. Sometimes it’s crashing over and over again. Sometimes it’s just teens in chat or adults trying to act like teens; it’s the usual sex talk. Hell it doesn’t seem to matter what group it is or even if the group has a purpose. Maybe I am just worn out. Maybe I am tired of trying to just live my decent SL. Maybe I am tired of trying to shut out everything that is ugly day after day; sometimes hour after hour. SL has become little more than a septic tank filled with bile. The good nice places are fewer and fewer as the land bots swoop in and destroy any meaningful attempt of a project, build or nice community.
LL themselves are little help these days over charging for land in groups, competing against it’s own residents who pay their salaries, giving bs none answers to phone calls, Philip when MIA, the new guy M Linden is an AD guy who gives a shit about an AD guy. He is here to make money, what’s to know? He will screw us too. Oh joy. 40% losses on land values nearly over night. No meaningful way to create any kind of stabilization on the main grid unless of course Linden Lab is making a profit at it and putting countless paying customers out of business. I think those running Linden Lab are idiots they can’t even understand why anyone would be mad that group land costs more than non group land. Get fricken real. They suggest you get ppl to get a $9.95 subscription and donate land to your group. They know it costs more the first month. But after that you might break even. Your going to get screwed the land market is crashing. Don’t believe otherwise. Buy a cheaper parcel and stay there.
There is no 5 year plan coming out of Linden Lab they probably believe they will be here. But Project Wonderland will take all of their “real business” corporate customers. They are already so far beyond Linden Lab it’s not even funny. Compare the two they make Linden Lab look like a porn infested wally world; you know the one; where all you find are skanks walking around talking to the carnies and all the rides are broken. Keep in mind you don’t have a right to be mad or say so on their blog just because you paid top dollar for your tickets.
Maybe it’s that when there is the slightest hint that any Linden employee help; that person is met with it is a verbal onslaught of insult and belittlement. It has become common place to openly insult and belittle the Lindens themselves. Those in charge of the grid are now the butt of most jokes. I used to stick up for those poor souls who spoke out and asked decent questions; but I just don’t anymore, I have grown tired of protecting the little guy against all the badies in SL. I am simply outnumbered by the thousands it seems at times. For all these reasons and many more. RL is a hell of a lot more calm, fun, and enjoyable these days. Not that my real life is a dream world but even as bad as it is sometimes; SL seems nearly a punishment instead of a nice place to create. Sadly SL is turning into nothing worth seeing and I have lost my will to even fight for anything decent in SL.
LL themselves are little help these days over charging for land in groups, competing against it’s own residents who pay their salaries, giving bs none answers to phone calls, Philip when MIA, the new guy M Linden is an AD guy who gives a shit about an AD guy. He is here to make money, what’s to know? He will screw us too. Oh joy. 40% losses on land values nearly over night. No meaningful way to create any kind of stabilization on the main grid unless of course Linden Lab is making a profit at it and putting countless paying customers out of business. I think those running Linden Lab are idiots they can’t even understand why anyone would be mad that group land costs more than non group land. Get fricken real. They suggest you get ppl to get a $9.95 subscription and donate land to your group. They know it costs more the first month. But after that you might break even. Your going to get screwed the land market is crashing. Don’t believe otherwise. Buy a cheaper parcel and stay there.
There is no 5 year plan coming out of Linden Lab they probably believe they will be here. But Project Wonderland will take all of their “real business” corporate customers. They are already so far beyond Linden Lab it’s not even funny. Compare the two they make Linden Lab look like a porn infested wally world; you know the one; where all you find are skanks walking around talking to the carnies and all the rides are broken. Keep in mind you don’t have a right to be mad or say so on their blog just because you paid top dollar for your tickets.
Maybe it’s that when there is the slightest hint that any Linden employee help; that person is met with it is a verbal onslaught of insult and belittlement. It has become common place to openly insult and belittle the Lindens themselves. Those in charge of the grid are now the butt of most jokes. I used to stick up for those poor souls who spoke out and asked decent questions; but I just don’t anymore, I have grown tired of protecting the little guy against all the badies in SL. I am simply outnumbered by the thousands it seems at times. For all these reasons and many more. RL is a hell of a lot more calm, fun, and enjoyable these days. Not that my real life is a dream world but even as bad as it is sometimes; SL seems nearly a punishment instead of a nice place to create. Sadly SL is turning into nothing worth seeing and I have lost my will to even fight for anything decent in SL.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Welp we did not make it threw this weekend either.
More problems over the weekend with Linden Lab servers and Second Life. All this just this weekend. Oh there are big problems brewing and the ppl are revolting in group chat. FAILED.
Asset server problems
Posted by Status Desk on May 11th, 2008 at 07:41 pm PDT
[7:39 pm pacific] We are continuing to have problems with our asset server cluster. Please avoid any kind of financial transactions or attempting to rez no-copy objects.
Thank you for your continued patience and support in this matter.
[RESOLVED] Asset server problems
Posted by Status Desk on May 11th, 2008 at 12:40 pm PDT
[12:39 am - RESOLVED] Our asset problem has been rectified now. In-world activities should no longer be affected.
[12:02 am - UPDATE] Logins are now being restored and you will now be able to return to Second Life. Please be patient if this takes a little time as there may be a number of residents trying all at once. It looks like the asset issues is slowly resolving but we’re monitoring this at present and will advise shortly. Thanks.
[11:41 am - UPDATE] Logins to Second Life are being restricted while we investigate.
[11:33 am] We are receiving reports of our asset storage cluster failing. Symptoms you might see include failure to rez, open notecards or photos, access your inventory.
Please refrain from trying to rez or work on builds at this point in time.
We’re investigating and will get back to you with information as soon as possible.
[RESOLVED] Second Life Traffic Issues
Posted by Status Desk on May 9th, 2008 at 12:31 pm PDT
[6:10 p.m. Pacific] The Second Life traffic issues have been resolved. Thank you for your continued patience
We have received many reports that traffic calculations are showing incorrectly in some private regions and land parcels. At the present time, we are working to update traffic so that it displays properly. Updates will be posted here as more info becomes avaialble. Thank you for your patience.
[RESOLVED]Partial grid disconnect
Posted by Status Desk on May 9th, 2008 at 10:40 am PDT
[10:40 a.m. Pacific] Full grid interconnectivity has been restored. In world transactions are safe again. There may be a couple of minutes of slow logins. If you’ve been having trouble getting in, please be patient and try to ride a login all the way through, rather than disconnecting and retrying.
[10:08 a.m. Pacific] Two of our server facilities have abruptly lost interconnection. We’re investigating as quickly as possible. Meantime, symptoms include login failure for some residents, and some transaction failures in world. Please do not rez or transfer valuable (no-copy) assets until we give an all-clear.
[RESOLVED] Asset storage cluster problems
Posted by Status Desk on May 9th, 2008 at 04:49 am PDT
[RESOLVED 6:15AM PDT] Asset servers are coming back online and logins have been restored. It may take a little time for things to return to normal as the system tries to catch up, but it should be doing so as we speak. -Chiyo
[UPDATE 5:35AM PDT] We presently have someone on site working to diagnose the problem. We currently have logins restricted to employees only. We will have more information as it becomes available. -Chiyo
We are receiving reports of our asset storage cluster failing. Symptoms you might see include failure to rez, open notecards or photos, access your inventory.
Please refrain from trying to rez or work on builds at this point in time.
Our Ops team is investigating, and we will keep you updated with all new information that becomes available as soon as we have it.
New Release Candidate Viewer: 1.20 RC6 is available
Asset server problems
Posted by Status Desk on May 11th, 2008 at 07:41 pm PDT
[7:39 pm pacific] We are continuing to have problems with our asset server cluster. Please avoid any kind of financial transactions or attempting to rez no-copy objects.
Thank you for your continued patience and support in this matter.
[RESOLVED] Asset server problems
Posted by Status Desk on May 11th, 2008 at 12:40 pm PDT
[12:39 am - RESOLVED] Our asset problem has been rectified now. In-world activities should no longer be affected.
[12:02 am - UPDATE] Logins are now being restored and you will now be able to return to Second Life. Please be patient if this takes a little time as there may be a number of residents trying all at once. It looks like the asset issues is slowly resolving but we’re monitoring this at present and will advise shortly. Thanks.
[11:41 am - UPDATE] Logins to Second Life are being restricted while we investigate.
[11:33 am] We are receiving reports of our asset storage cluster failing. Symptoms you might see include failure to rez, open notecards or photos, access your inventory.
Please refrain from trying to rez or work on builds at this point in time.
We’re investigating and will get back to you with information as soon as possible.
[RESOLVED] Second Life Traffic Issues
Posted by Status Desk on May 9th, 2008 at 12:31 pm PDT
[6:10 p.m. Pacific] The Second Life traffic issues have been resolved. Thank you for your continued patience
We have received many reports that traffic calculations are showing incorrectly in some private regions and land parcels. At the present time, we are working to update traffic so that it displays properly. Updates will be posted here as more info becomes avaialble. Thank you for your patience.
[RESOLVED]Partial grid disconnect
Posted by Status Desk on May 9th, 2008 at 10:40 am PDT
[10:40 a.m. Pacific] Full grid interconnectivity has been restored. In world transactions are safe again. There may be a couple of minutes of slow logins. If you’ve been having trouble getting in, please be patient and try to ride a login all the way through, rather than disconnecting and retrying.
[10:08 a.m. Pacific] Two of our server facilities have abruptly lost interconnection. We’re investigating as quickly as possible. Meantime, symptoms include login failure for some residents, and some transaction failures in world. Please do not rez or transfer valuable (no-copy) assets until we give an all-clear.
[RESOLVED] Asset storage cluster problems
Posted by Status Desk on May 9th, 2008 at 04:49 am PDT
[RESOLVED 6:15AM PDT] Asset servers are coming back online and logins have been restored. It may take a little time for things to return to normal as the system tries to catch up, but it should be doing so as we speak. -Chiyo
[UPDATE 5:35AM PDT] We presently have someone on site working to diagnose the problem. We currently have logins restricted to employees only. We will have more information as it becomes available. -Chiyo
We are receiving reports of our asset storage cluster failing. Symptoms you might see include failure to rez, open notecards or photos, access your inventory.
Please refrain from trying to rez or work on builds at this point in time.
Our Ops team is investigating, and we will keep you updated with all new information that becomes available as soon as we have it.
New Release Candidate Viewer: 1.20 RC6 is available
Friday, May 9, 2008
Are we crashing again?
Yes. Partial grid disconnect
[10:08 a.m. Pacific] Two of our server facilities have abruptly lost interconnection. We’re investigating as quickly as possible. Meantime, symptoms include login failure for some residents, and some transaction failures in world. Please do not rez or transfer valuable (no-copy) assets until we give an all-clear.
This entry was posted on Friday, May 9th, 2008 at 10:10 am

A few min. ago I noted 49k online. Failing to log in after several attempts I now see 44K online within 5 min. I do believe the grid has crashed and burned again. It must be Friday!
[10:08 a.m. Pacific] Two of our server facilities have abruptly lost interconnection. We’re investigating as quickly as possible. Meantime, symptoms include login failure for some residents, and some transaction failures in world. Please do not rez or transfer valuable (no-copy) assets until we give an all-clear.
This entry was posted on Friday, May 9th, 2008 at 10:10 am

A few min. ago I noted 49k online. Failing to log in after several attempts I now see 44K online within 5 min. I do believe the grid has crashed and burned again. It must be Friday!
Virtually Free repost of article by Wagner James Au | June 2008 Print Edition
Virtually Free
An online world embraces regulation.
Wagner James Au | June 2008 Print Edition
In February, subscribers to the virtual world of Second Life awoke to a surprise: The garish, skyscraper-sized billboards they had learned to tolerate as part of their three-dimensional landscape were about to be vaporized, the site’s creators announced.
Billed as “Your world, your imagination,” the five-year-old Second Life has been offering subscribers a sprawling realm of user-generated simulated mountains, oceans, and sky where participants can build and interact as “avatars,” alter egos they control and customize. Thanks to the world’s virtual currency system of Linden dollars (which can be exchanged for real U.S. dollars at fluctuating rates) and the ability to buy and sell parcels of land on Second Life’s two main continents, a thriving, free market economy has taken root.
That economy has included a lot of advertising, much of it ostentatious. So Linden Lab, the company that developed and owns Second Life, announced on its blog in February a new rule prohibiting advertising on Second Life’s mainland continents if it impairs a neighbor’s view. The rule was especially directed at advertisements erected “to deliberately and negatively affect another resident’s view so as to sell a parcel for an unreasonable price”—i.e., to pressure that neighbor to sell his virtual land. It was a vague prohibition that would require a high degree of hands-on regulation by the Lindens (as company employees are known to Second Life users, who are in turn called residents). As such, it was the latest in a long series of intrusions on what once was arguably the purest libertarian economy in existence.
Linden Lab’s experiment with laissez faire began at the end of 2003, when the company first started selling virtual property to its users, encouraging them to buy and sell to each other with Linden dollars. Before then, the company had carefully nurtured its small early user base with frequent cash and land handouts, planning activities with the cloying enthusiasm of a metaverse Hillary Clinton.
After the creation of private property rights, Second Life quickly became a place where free minds and free markets predominated. Users could make millions of Linden dollars as real estate barons or fashion designer magnates, or spend time in kinky virtual sex clubs or art communities. As long as they didn’t interfere with other people’s liberties to do likewise, the company really didn’t care what people made of their alternate-universe lives.
The world did retain some occasionally left-leaning regulations, perhaps owing to the fact that Linden Lab is based in San Francisco. (The company’s user rules, for example, included European-style prohibitions against hate speech directed at gays and minorities.) But for the most part, staffers adhered to a principled hands-off policy that would have done Milton Friedman proud.
In 2005, when one landowner first began peppering the world with ugly billboard towers, residents protested. The Lindens generally refused to intervene. “It’s not for us to decide the relative merit of construction in Second Life,” Linden’s community manager, Daniel Huebner, told me back then. In 2006 company founder and CEO Philip Rosedale refused to intercede against Ginko, a virtual “bank” with a high rate of return that many residents accused of being a Ponzi scheme. That same year, some residents protested “age play”: simulated pedophilia with avatars who look like they’re underage, though the actual people behind them are over 18. Company Vice President Robin Harper replied that it would be forbidden only “if this activity were in public areas,” implying that it was still permissible in private.
The reversals started last year. Age play and other vaguely defined “broadly offensive” behaviors were universally forbidden in May 2007. This policy was announced shortly after a German television crew presented evidence to Harper that avatar-based age players were also using Second Life as a conduit to exchange real child porn photos. Age play was creepy but arguably harmless; when real-world molestation entered the picture, the moral equation changed.
But the changes didn’t stop there. Gambling was prohibited in July 2007. Unregulated banks were banned in January 2008. The February prohibition of exploitative billboards was preceded by the debut of a “Linden Department of Public Works” dedicated to “improving the experience for residents living on or visiting the Linden mainland.” The Lindens were restructuring their universe into the communitarian society it had been in early 2003, when early residents regularly received welfare payments and public works projects to make themselves useful.
Did the Lindens reject laissez faire as a failed experiment? Maybe. From the summer of 2007 to early 2008, the number of active users gradually plateaued at a population of about 550,000—large, but nowhere near as large as tightly regulated virtual worlds such as World of Warcraft or Habbo Hotel, which boast millions of users. Complaining about the ugly casinos or sexual perverts they had to share Second Life with, many residents voted with their feet and left. The number of participants willing to buy virtual land from Linden Labs also dwindled. Offered a fully free society, the market plainly rejected it. So the Lindens went with a mixed economy.
But there is an alternative explanation. As all this was going on, the company kept dropping hints that it was about to let enterprising programmers and companies link their own virtual-world servers to the “official” world. If and when that happens, users would be able to host virtual Second Life islands on their own servers but still remain connected to Linden’s mainland. It’s possible, then, that Linden Lab’s new regulations are part of the preparation for an open source era, when Second Life’s most controversial residents will be able to run unregulated banks and have public sex in adjoining nations.
The Lindens might not be ending Second Life’s libertarian era as much as creating a gated community in a far larger metaverse that remains fundamentally free. Then again, gated communities may be libertarian on paper, but considering all the conformist regulations required to get and stay in one, few would say they are libertarian in spirit.
Wagner James Au is the author of The Making of Second Life: Notes from the New World (HarperCollins). He blogs at
* If Bay City is any indication; I would say James is on the money this time.
An online world embraces regulation.
Wagner James Au | June 2008 Print Edition
In February, subscribers to the virtual world of Second Life awoke to a surprise: The garish, skyscraper-sized billboards they had learned to tolerate as part of their three-dimensional landscape were about to be vaporized, the site’s creators announced.
Billed as “Your world, your imagination,” the five-year-old Second Life has been offering subscribers a sprawling realm of user-generated simulated mountains, oceans, and sky where participants can build and interact as “avatars,” alter egos they control and customize. Thanks to the world’s virtual currency system of Linden dollars (which can be exchanged for real U.S. dollars at fluctuating rates) and the ability to buy and sell parcels of land on Second Life’s two main continents, a thriving, free market economy has taken root.
That economy has included a lot of advertising, much of it ostentatious. So Linden Lab, the company that developed and owns Second Life, announced on its blog in February a new rule prohibiting advertising on Second Life’s mainland continents if it impairs a neighbor’s view. The rule was especially directed at advertisements erected “to deliberately and negatively affect another resident’s view so as to sell a parcel for an unreasonable price”—i.e., to pressure that neighbor to sell his virtual land. It was a vague prohibition that would require a high degree of hands-on regulation by the Lindens (as company employees are known to Second Life users, who are in turn called residents). As such, it was the latest in a long series of intrusions on what once was arguably the purest libertarian economy in existence.
Linden Lab’s experiment with laissez faire began at the end of 2003, when the company first started selling virtual property to its users, encouraging them to buy and sell to each other with Linden dollars. Before then, the company had carefully nurtured its small early user base with frequent cash and land handouts, planning activities with the cloying enthusiasm of a metaverse Hillary Clinton.
After the creation of private property rights, Second Life quickly became a place where free minds and free markets predominated. Users could make millions of Linden dollars as real estate barons or fashion designer magnates, or spend time in kinky virtual sex clubs or art communities. As long as they didn’t interfere with other people’s liberties to do likewise, the company really didn’t care what people made of their alternate-universe lives.
The world did retain some occasionally left-leaning regulations, perhaps owing to the fact that Linden Lab is based in San Francisco. (The company’s user rules, for example, included European-style prohibitions against hate speech directed at gays and minorities.) But for the most part, staffers adhered to a principled hands-off policy that would have done Milton Friedman proud.
In 2005, when one landowner first began peppering the world with ugly billboard towers, residents protested. The Lindens generally refused to intervene. “It’s not for us to decide the relative merit of construction in Second Life,” Linden’s community manager, Daniel Huebner, told me back then. In 2006 company founder and CEO Philip Rosedale refused to intercede against Ginko, a virtual “bank” with a high rate of return that many residents accused of being a Ponzi scheme. That same year, some residents protested “age play”: simulated pedophilia with avatars who look like they’re underage, though the actual people behind them are over 18. Company Vice President Robin Harper replied that it would be forbidden only “if this activity were in public areas,” implying that it was still permissible in private.
The reversals started last year. Age play and other vaguely defined “broadly offensive” behaviors were universally forbidden in May 2007. This policy was announced shortly after a German television crew presented evidence to Harper that avatar-based age players were also using Second Life as a conduit to exchange real child porn photos. Age play was creepy but arguably harmless; when real-world molestation entered the picture, the moral equation changed.
But the changes didn’t stop there. Gambling was prohibited in July 2007. Unregulated banks were banned in January 2008. The February prohibition of exploitative billboards was preceded by the debut of a “Linden Department of Public Works” dedicated to “improving the experience for residents living on or visiting the Linden mainland.” The Lindens were restructuring their universe into the communitarian society it had been in early 2003, when early residents regularly received welfare payments and public works projects to make themselves useful.
Did the Lindens reject laissez faire as a failed experiment? Maybe. From the summer of 2007 to early 2008, the number of active users gradually plateaued at a population of about 550,000—large, but nowhere near as large as tightly regulated virtual worlds such as World of Warcraft or Habbo Hotel, which boast millions of users. Complaining about the ugly casinos or sexual perverts they had to share Second Life with, many residents voted with their feet and left. The number of participants willing to buy virtual land from Linden Labs also dwindled. Offered a fully free society, the market plainly rejected it. So the Lindens went with a mixed economy.
But there is an alternative explanation. As all this was going on, the company kept dropping hints that it was about to let enterprising programmers and companies link their own virtual-world servers to the “official” world. If and when that happens, users would be able to host virtual Second Life islands on their own servers but still remain connected to Linden’s mainland. It’s possible, then, that Linden Lab’s new regulations are part of the preparation for an open source era, when Second Life’s most controversial residents will be able to run unregulated banks and have public sex in adjoining nations.
The Lindens might not be ending Second Life’s libertarian era as much as creating a gated community in a far larger metaverse that remains fundamentally free. Then again, gated communities may be libertarian on paper, but considering all the conformist regulations required to get and stay in one, few would say they are libertarian in spirit.
Wagner James Au is the author of The Making of Second Life: Notes from the New World (HarperCollins). He blogs at
* If Bay City is any indication; I would say James is on the money this time.
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