Cory commenting on illegally logging in as an alt while her main is suspended. Which is against the TOS for LL btw. You cannot log on as an alt if any of your accounts are suspended;
For what I need to do today, it would involve redoing about 2 hours worth of work at least, plus reuploading a ton of textures, before I can even start doing the work I need to, which will be fun because its mostly texture uploads and any other account I have access to is pretty broke.
Yeah, I can make do if I have to, but its overall putting me in an insanely hobbled position since I don't have access to my inventory, nor do I have any other account with the admin access to ESC's projects that I tend to need.
LL doesn't work on weekends; but lookie Guy Linden was kind enough to somehow find out about this and take care of Cory. How nice to get such service! Go LL.
Yeah what about ppl who can't afford a concierge; you tell em Cory!
UPDATE: Guy Linden got me back in, thankfully. I'm still insanely pissed. This shouldn't happen to ANYONE. Me working for a dev company is probably the only reason I've gotten these situations taken care of, but its utter bullshit that unless you have connections you can get locked out for a weekend twice in a row over $L5000 in transactions. What's happening to people that don't have a concierge account?
Least Guy was in a talking mood, most Lindens are not.
According to Guy the only thing in my account was a note regarding my original suspension on August 10th, so either the first instance triggered twice, or I got popped for paying out $L5000 to 5 av accounts this past Thursday.
The Lindens have never all been on the same page; I blame their damn love machine lol.
Io: from what they've told me its payments to a number of avatars that does it, but don't put any weight to that statement because so far I've been told different stories from everyone at LL involved in this, including two completely different things from Robin herself. I am throwing up my hands in exasperation and letting my work take care of it because like I said if it was up to me right now I'd sell everything off and tell LL's autoban and their lack of internal communication to kiss my ass.
Ut oh not just Cory but her friend/employee got wacked too. Wonder if the girl knows anyone at LL who can get her back on line this weekend?
...and I just checked Search and one of the girls that got suspended with me last time because of the payout (a stress tester), who also participated on Thursday's stress test, isn't found in Search, so they tagged her again.
Robin Harper is in charge of PR she has no idea what is going on; backend wise.
Well according to Robin, first it was an automated system, then she said it wasn't an automated system. So their VP doesn't even know what the hell is going on apparently.
Say it with me....FIC.
Considering ESC's top three managers are at SLCC and one of them is on a panel with Robin today, this is already past JIRA stage I think.
Well connected = FIC (fetted inner core; group of ppl who consistently get jobs from LL over everyone else and nice perks like having their accounts unsuspended on weekends.)
Was Cory right? Probably; but I gotta say bummer for those poor souls who don't have any connections at LL or can't afford to have any type of concierge service.
Lucky for Cory her pals at the Electric Sheep Company were sitting on a panel right next to Linden Lab's Robin Harper this weekend at the SLCC huh.