I have to admit I am a little bit angry and tense today. I admit that because it will affect this blog post. Why am I angry and tense? Because I attended a LLTraffic group meeting in world last night and I was so angry by the end. I logged off and went to visit real life. We "discussed" well that in it's self is a lie, more like we were told my Jeska Linden how it would be and as far as gathering input. Well that was bullshit threw and threw. Here is how LLTraffic is going down. They are removing popular places. Without any input from the community, they decided that. Not that we will be losing anything but XXX shit anyways. So I was ok with that.
However the replacement is nothing more than the work of their new CEO M Linden's attempt at placing real life ad's in Second Life. Excuse me I pay for this service what right do they have to shove real life their products, goods and services in my face? Spotlight will be chosen from LL. Jeska Linden dangled the old "there might be real jobs for some of you at some unknown time in the future to help us decide what might be Spotlighted" Honestly they have been saying that about jobs for 4 years. Either offer me a God Damn job or shut the hell up. I am sick of hearing it every time I bring up a valid concern to the way LL runs Second Life. Why not they put Lordfly paper and Cory edo on the payroll for their public works project. Not to get too side tracked with that but I was also pissed to hear that Linden Lab was GOMing my Chicago idea in their new City. Yeah thanks for nothing, shall I send my textures now or do you already have them?
I am angry because I have never thought Second Life needed real life products and services shoved in our faces. Hell I thought we had a fantastic product where we could create a new world one that didn't exist yet. A eutopia. Well that was a pipe dream and I woke from that long ago. What I didn't expect was for Linden Lab to shove it down my throat. How do I avoid real life commercialism now? I have avoided going to those corporate owned sims, I have tried to form my own communites and projects. I have done the best I could to accept it. Then why today do I feel like the content creators just got sold down the river, got the shaft, were in fact screwed over.
LLTraffic had nothing to do with Traffic they wanted to introduce ideas about verifying my age, sex, race, income. What are my buying habbits, do I turn left or right when I enter a sim. That is none of their damn business and if I wanted anyone to know that information it would already be in my profile. It's for marketing purposes and don't let them fool you into thinking it's for the greater good. It's good for the corporate bottom line and nothing more.
Jeska Linden declared that bots were ok and she even thought some were fun. Sorry Jeska but you suddenly sound very out of touch. If we all had bots why would we need to log on to do business in Second Life. Bots drain resources and are free accounts, they add nothing to the economy but they take resources from it. Linden Lab thinks this is a good thing. Are they high? Who's on the crack pipe? Wake up; copy bot did nothing for the community and free account bots will do even less. These bots accumulate data. What data? Who's data? For what purpose? Are they so naive that they think these bots will only be used for the good. Right, and other lies.
Provoky Neva is turning her back on Linden Lab and Governor Linden. Other communities have declared them selves independant states of Linden Lab and Second Life. I am doing the same, no more will I attend and participate in any Linden Lab function. No more will I support their ideas and charities. I will take care of my own communities and help them to suceed my energy and spirit will go into what I build and every time there is some problem, bug and downtime I will be screaming the loudest. I am sick and tired of being told what wonderful plans Linden Lab has for Second Life only to find out it was another botched release, something more we never needed that drags ever computer to a wimpering crawl or some fantastic idea that just ends up being a way to figure out what real life product they can sell me.
I will take care of my community because you Linden Lab; don't have the man power,or a clue as to their wants and needs.
Perhaps if I had made out with Pathfinder Linden like resident Joshua Nightshade did at the last Second Life Community Convention, SLCC 07, perhaps things would be different. Sorry my body and soul are not for sale Linden Lab.
Catherine Cotton
Martin Magpie
et al.