I'm going to dig up some of my old Quotes and post them here; mainly because it thrills me to see how this shit turned out.
"Matt; Marry Me :D . Seriously tho it is refreshing to read that not everyone is of the same mindset and ppl are noticing the rappant commercialism. Not all commercialism is bad, a lot has to do with the delivery from LL.
Once LL decided to flaunt commercialism to the fortune 500 and focus on corporate america within SL, the majoritiy of subscribers became “potential customers” and little else. To believe differently at this point would be nieve. SL is still one hell of a fun 3d building tool, which affords one to get instant feedback. For that reason I strick around and create. The commercialism can no longer be avoided as once promissed by LL. Which could potentially lead to the fun SL everyone has enjoyed thus far.
For LL to believe as they apparently do now, that ppl would not only log in but also pay to log in to be “sold” goods and services. Is not only and end to fun in SL, but a poor business plan. We already have the www, ppl want more. If LL cannot deliver on their promiss to be the next “metaverse” soon those who have cheered them on will revolt. Who could blame them. Ppl don’t like being lied to.
I fully expect LL to take the direction of “There.com” and begin to market user created content themselves. Thus putting those types of businesses within SL out of the loop. More so I expect just like advertizement and uploads there will be a cost associated with your product being endorsed by LL.
Cat Cotton
October 25th, 2006 at 11:08 am
Cat Cotton
“Which could potentially lead to the fun SL everyone has enjoyed thus far.”
“Which could potentially lead to the end of fun in SL, everyone has enjoyed thus far.”
End Quote